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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/atto-technology-announces-new-san-upgrade-kits/
5/28/2016 3:02:05 PM
ATTO Technology Announces New SAN Upgrade Kits
App Developer Magazine
ATTO Technology Announces New SAN Upgrade Kits


ATTO Technology Announces New SAN Upgrade Kits

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

ATTO Technology has announced the availability of a range of Fibre Channel SAN Kits providing the components needed to update existing direct-attached storage to a high-performance, low-latency storage area network providing the opportunity to centrally locate storage and improve overall performance by adding a storage area network (SAN) solution.

The ATTO Fibre Channel SAN Kits provide the ability to convert direct-attached SAS RAID, JBOD or JBOF storage to SAN technology for environments experiencing slow host-to-host data transfers. It also provides a fast method to perform live migrations in virtual environments such as VMware vSphere, along with redundancy for rapid virtual machine restarts in the event of a host or storage failure.

Three ATTO Fibre Channel SAN Kit options are available:

- Entry-Level: For updating a small number of direct-attached storage products to shared storage. Kit includes (1) 7500 Storage Controller and (2) ATTO Celerity16Gb/s Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. Provides up to 3.2GB/s throughput and 735,000 4K IOPS from existing storage while enabling sharing between server hosts.

- Mid-Tier: Allows SysAdmins to connect a small storage infrastructure to dual ATTO Storage Controllers. Kits include (2) 7500 Storage Controllers, (2) Celerity 16Gb/s Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters and (1) FibreConnect 16Gb/s Fibre Channel Switch. Provides high performance throughput up to 6.4GB/s and 1.47M 4K IOPS.

- High Availability: Provides the opportunity to create a larger infrastructure with up to 8 attached host servers and no single point of failure. Kits include (2) 7500 Storage Controllers, (2) FibreConnect 16Gb/s Fibre Channel Switches and (8) Celerity 16Gb/s Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. Provides high performance throughput up to 6.4GB/s and 1.47M 4K IOPS.

Read more: https://www.attotech.com/landing/SAN-Upgrade-Kit

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